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Monday, June 13, 2011

Collaboration project 5

I have been working with fine-line piecing for several years, but almost always with solid colors.  Recently I did some "fracturing" of screenprinted text.  While I was studying with Dorothy Caldwell recently she suggest that I start with a huge expanse of text rather than just a bit. 

But I had a better idea as I returned to my seat and passed the workstation of my friend Shelley Brenner Baird, whose screenprinting I have always drooled over. I asked her if she would consider a collaboration -- she making the fabric, I piecing in the fine line fracture pattern.  She agreed, and here's the result:

Fault Lines 5
Shelley Brenner Baird and Kathleen Loomis

Shelley's fabric was only 36 inches wide and I was concerned that it would turn out too small, since piecing in the fine lines takes up fabric.  So I augmented it with some orange fabric that I had dyed several years ago.  I love the color scheme, and was particularly pleased to note that it matched the silks of the Belmont Stakes winner, Ruler On Ice.


  1. The piece looks great and the additional orange fabric added much more than just more surface. Good job!

  2. Kathleen. This is a beautiful collaboration! Collaborations are not easy, nor are they often successful. And I know what you mean about Shelleys fabric. Now...what's this about working with a huge expanse of text? I want to see some of this work please.

  3. Christine -- so far no huge expanse of text, just small ones. See my post at February 6 (sorry, I don't know how to get a link into a comment box). When I do it bigger I will let you all know!
