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Monday, April 23, 2012

Fantastic Fibers 4

I wrote already about the "plain old quilts" on display at Fantastic Fibers, at the Yeiser Art Center in Paducah KY.  Today I'll talk about "fancy quilts" -- those with embellishments, or raw edges, or irregular shapes, or non-cotton fabrics, or other non-traditional elements.  Sometimes I think people take these fancy techniques too far, so that the technique becomes more important than the subject.  But I liked all the ones I'm about to show you; the fancy twists worked.

Deborah Bein, Broken Promises (detail below)

The hand stitching, in perle cotton, tried to hold the broken things together; some of the inset "cracks" were made of velvet for a raw feel.  Particularly appealing from up close where you could see the handwork and little details.

Jim Hay, Lost Moon King (Hope) Kibou (details below)

In addition to exotic fabrics, some from old kimono, this quilt incorporates lace, rickrack, toys and rope, and maybe the kitchen sink, although I didn't spot it.  The quilt is huge, as you may be able to tell from the size of the electrical outlet near the floor.

Figurative, strange, different, mysterious and fun, all at the same time.

K. Velis Turan, Broadway E.L. (detail below)

I liked the juxtaposition of phototransfer, screenprinting and drawing with the quilting line to make a single scene.  I'm always on the lookout for ways to use photos that don't just sit there making up the entire quilt; this one works with a light hand and an excellent sense of balance.

Still have to write about the weaving, embroidery and other techniques seen at FF, but they will have to wait for another post.


  1. Thanks for sharing these. I am wondering about sizes--other then "huge". The other two pieces?

  2. Sara -- I'm sorry I didn't take closer notes on the size. Using a highly scientific method of looking at the electrical outlet in one of my photos, I calculate the "huge" one at a bit over 80 inches tall.

    The little one with phototransfer was probably 18-24 inches wide. Maybe 36-40 inches wide for "Broken Promises."

  3. Close enough! It's that Museum Without Walls (Malroux--that is NOT the right spelling!)thing.
    from looking at pictures in books I always thought Dali painted large paintings. When I finally saw some of his work in person, I was surprised at how small it was....
