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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Photo suite 38 -- doors in distress


  1. I'm salivating, I love a distressed door,

  2. Ohhh I love distressed doors and windows too - have a whole pinterest board dedicated to them. I think that its the texture and the mystery of what they once were that captures my attention.

  3. and you always wonder what's behind them

  4. Great collection of photos!

    I wonder -- do you purposely look for similar items to photograph or do you realize you have a "collection" later?

  5. thanks, Vivien! sometimes I realize I have plenty of photos (for instance, my beloved containers, which I have been taking for years on various ocean voyages) and sometimes I go in search of a theme. often it starts when I realize a have a few, but then I need some more to round it out.

  6. I too take doors, falling down barns, and....elevators (the grain and stone kind, not what you ride on)....I love the texture, the colors...and as you pointed out..the mystery...Who has gone through them? What have they seen? and of course...the potential they hold...either as you walk through them or as an art form.....maybe we should do an exhibition of how we would render doors.....
