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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Plan D progress report

I am happy to report that Plan D worked and I have finally finished sewing my found pennies into a grid.  As so frequently happens, by the time you just about finish a project with lots of repetitive fiddly process, you have figured out how to do it right.  At which point you wish you could go back and re-do everything you did in the first two-thirds of the project.

The front of my pennies look pretty simple and classy.  But the back is a lot more complicated, holding those spokes of thread in place so they don't slide apart and allow the penny to escape.  It took me about ten hours to stitch the grid, which I ordinarily wouldn't feel bad about but this week I am on deadline and I begrudged every minute of it.

The hot glue did hold the pennies in place while I stitched, and to make sure the thread stayed where it was supposed to, I gave each penny an additional shot of glue after I was finished stitching.

Now all I have to do is attach the grid to its armature and the piece will be finished.  Thank heavens for heavy-duty staple guns, a useful addition to my weapons collection.


  1. I am especially grateful for your diligence, since I'm the lucky one who gets to bring this labor of love (aka Plan D, aka "Lots of Lincolns") into my home. Thank you!

    1. and I know they will be happy with you!
