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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fiberart International 5 -- paper

At Fiberart International I liked several works made of paper, in addition to the piece by Eszter Bornemisza I wrote about last week.  The approaches are widely different, but they're all pretty much white.

Anna Goebel, Greetings from the Forest (detail below)

An installation of sheets of handmade paper, incorporating greenish brown moss that remarkably retains its shape and color amid the white support.

Julie Abijanac, Disease Mapping (detail below)

The artist sewed folded strips of paper into a complex construction that sprawls over the wall resembling a growing organism (the work references her struggle with cancer and apparently the raw material is paperwork accumulated along the way).

Julie Sirek, Dissolving Dream

The delicate dress is sewed from felted Korean mulberry paper.

Sandy Shelenberger, Textures 1 and 3 (detail of Textures 3 below)

She started by photocopying the back side of a quilted block (I guess, although it's the messiest quilt back I've seen in ages), made many copies, mounted them on boards and covered them with encaustic.  The incised red square in the detail shot, along with other red bits here and there, was added as the wax went on.


  1. Pretty cool. I'm especially drawn to Disease Mapping.

  2. Hi Kathleen,
    Thanks for including my artwork! The block is a photo image of my hand embroidered Kantha stitching. I liked the "messy" side as it had more character:>) The red squares were incised with a copper tjap made for batik, that was dipped in red wax. I am thrilled to have my artwork in Fiberarts International!!
    Sandy Shelenberger

    1. Sandy -- thanks for the clarification -- I knew it was the back of something but couldn't tell what.

      although I would be happy to look at the front side of the work, the back is certainly much more interesting!! these are lovely works.
