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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A new book that I love

It's always a thrill when an author wants to put a picture of your quilt into a book, and after I got my copy of "The Ultimate Guide to Art Quilting," by Linda Seward, I was doubly happy because it's a fabulous book.  You wouldn't think that even in 255 pages she could tell you absolutely everything you might want to know about art quilts, but Linda has come pretty close.

I am in awe of the exhaustive list of materials and processes that she has managed to fit into the book, and with the clarity and economy of the directions.  

Want to know how to sew the classic pojagi seam?  how to dye an already-quilted quilt?  how to put a sleeve on an odd-shaped quilt?  how to make a gelatin plate for printing?  how to make "paper" from silk fibers (either with or without seracin)?  how to marble fabric (either with size medium or shaving foam)?  how to avoid repetitive stress injury to your wrists?  how to "dye" fabric with rust or cyanotype? 

In between the how-tos are photos of quilts by more than 140 artists, including my Crazed 16: Suburban Dream.

If you could have only one how-to book in your quilting library, I don't know any that would rank higher than this one.  


  1. Neat! Our library has it on order, and I'm not even the first to put a hold on it. I can't wait to take a look!

  2. Thanks for the review. I was wondering if this would be just another technique book.

    1. Sharon -- in a sense it is just another technique book, except that it covers every technique known to mankind. Plus all those pictures of quilts.

    2. Yes, pictures of good quilts are always a bonus. It's very reasonably priced, too, surprisingly!

  3. Wow, I am overwhelmed and absolutely delighted by your review, Kathy. I worked full time on that book for 3 years, often wondering if I was mad to have taken it on! But now that it's done I am happy that I made the effort. One of the wonderful results has been getting to know so many talented art quilters like you!
