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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Photo suite 171 -- Siena Duomo underfoot

The fabulous cathedral in Siena is famous for the elaborate tiling of its pillars and floors.  With a nod to my friend Margaret Cooter, who last year did a big project documenting people walking in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, here are people walking in the Duomo.  Happy Easter!


  1. Oh, so lovely to see. I spent a semester in college in Siena, and it was mid 70s when not so well toured. One of my favorite spots was this Duomo, and I remember the crazy black and white of it all. So wish I was there with you.

  2. Wow -- a whole semester -- I'm so jealous. Siena is a wonderful place.

  3. Love the tile patterns, especially the Tumbling Blocks with the crescents. Could that be a heraldic symbol, or does it refer to Islam?
    Linda Laird

    1. I doubt it's a reference to Islam, since it's in a church, but it's certainly different in feeling from the other designs. So delicate.
