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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Where is it?

In December I posted a photo and challenged you to identify where it was taken.  Perhaps the gods didn't want me to do it, because that very day I was struck down with what turned out to be serious gall bladder illness, and in the course of recovering from surgery I neglected to ever credit Silvia Dell'Aere for being the first with the right answer.

But now that I'm recovered, I have another mystery place.  If you know it in person that will trump those who know it through Google Images.


  1. IPTAY Clemson University Indoor Tennis Facility - or at least that is what the sign says!
    Apparently the Clemson University team is the Tigers.

    Sorry - cheating possibly. :)
    Sandy in the UK

  2. no problem ^_^ hope you feel better now!

  3. that's what I get for posting photos on my tiny notebook computer -- the image shows up so small that I can't even see that there is a sign on the building!

    hope I don't get struck down again by the gods
