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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Photo suite 40 -- weeds in bloom


  1. I always say, if a weed has a flower, its a flower (good), not a weed (not good)! grin....

  2. One of my neighbours has golden rod planted in their front garden. I was amazed. I guess it is not a weed here in the UK.
    Sandy in the UK

  3. When I was in Texas more than twenty years ago they told me that "wildflowers" is anything that has flowers and grows somewhere without having been planted intentionally. And @Sandy: people have golden rod plante in their gardens in Germany, too - it was introduced here by bee keepers to give the bees a plant to go to later in the season. By now it has left the gardens, though, and it definitely turning into a 'weed' in the eyes of nature conservationists.

  4. aaahcgough! Sorry, allergies. ;)
