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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Any dumb thing 2 -- more palettes

I like color palettes with some value contrast -- not that every palette has to have dark-dark and  light-light, but there should be something different from the rest to give it some zip.  Here are some game board palettes that got good marks from me on that score:

A nice set of gradations, ranging from yellows down to browns (a real pain for a game player, because it's too hard to detect the differences among the browns, but nice for an artist).  Give it an A.

Three nice darks, one medium, one medium-light, one light-light -- this palette covers the waterfront.  My only quibble is with the blue in the septagon.  Is it too bright for the rest of the colors? Is there enough difference between it and the slate blue?  Maybe a B.

Of course what we like most about this palette is the red apple, but notice how the orange stars set off the cool colors.  Love the slightly grayed blues (clear blues can be kind of blatant) and the greenish brown.  I give it an A.

Two red apples to love in this board, but even without them it's a good combo of the three secondary colors.  All the secondaries are slightly muddy for a similar character,  and the warm whites make a good counterpoint.  Another A.

Again, secondary colors always play well together (only two this time), and these are all a bit grayed for a similar character.  My favorites are the lavenders, and the dark purple gives a nice low note.  This one gets an A too.

More palettes tomorrow.  Tell me what you think of this exercise -- I think it's a good way to train your eye (of course you can do the same thing by looking closely and evaluating people's wardrobes or bookshelves).  Do you agree?  How do you exercise your eye?

1 comment:

  1. I am not quite getting the same colours over here...or you have quite a different palette preference.
    I wasted some time in the first few months of they year (while the body was still in hibernation mode) on doing some online jigsaws. I found I really enjoyed the sunset/sunrise glow over water and Even the blue watery horizon puzzles It was quite an exercise to work out the subtle variations of colour spreading out from the sun to the edges of the sky/water .
    and when it became too difficult to differentiate, you could look at the shapes of the puzzle pieces and how they would fit into the existing pieces.

    I liked discovering how the small pieces of pattern made up the look of the whole.

    I do find that with my garment focussed background that I evaluate what people wear. Silent conversations in my head. 'That colour is not good on you.' Oh, dear. Those 2 colours of green really shouldn't be worn together.' Not sure I go so far as giving grades!
