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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Collage update -- the guest artist returns

In 2011 I wrote about a vacation with a five-year-old, how he was curious about my daily art project for that year and decided to adopt it for his own during our week at the beach.  Earlier this month I had the pleasure of spending time with him again -- now he's nine -- and again he was curious about my daily art project.  After watching me do my collage he wanted to do his own.

We both worked on the same "assignment" -- make a face by putting together parts from other images.  I was impressed that he was literally thinking outside the box, allowing the hair and beard to extend off the page.

The next day the assignment was to make a creature that was part human, part animal.

The next assignment was to find a scene, then put things of a different scale into it.  My daily collage showed a cow on the sofa, and his first one was also a living-room scene, but he quickly moved on to soccer, in the exciting final days of the World Cup.

I was so proud of his work, which I thought had sophistication you wouldn't expect from a nine-year-old.  For some time I've been flirting with the concept of collage "assignments" or "recipes" as a way to jump-start creativity, and this experience reinforces it.  If a kid can respond so brilliantly to a prompt, an adult might even be able to do the same.


  1. Kathleen, what a wonderful idea/ daily project you do, and to share it and ignite the love for creativity with a young child will probably affect him for a life time! You go girl! LOL hugs~

    1. Cathy -- we wish he would be affected for a lifetime! His mother reports that "he likes to do art with people who are not his mother." She's trying to keep the fires lit, but you know how kids are!

  2. Lucky little boy to get to spend mind-expanding time with someone like you. He will most likely never forget these times.
