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Saturday, September 12, 2015

I'm (semi-) famous

Our local alternative weekly has a feature about me that didn't make it to print but is posted on their website.  Check it out here.

Crossroads 4

They chose this quilt to illustrate the story.  It's one of my favorites that is way too old to go out to the quilt shows any more, but it's nice at least to see its picture.


  1. Kathy- I am in the final hours of a maddening push to get ready for a little solo show up here. I took a quick break by reading your interview. It was great! Now I have some good things to think about while I stitch facings and sleeves. Thank you!

  2. Thanks for the link to the interview. That was fun to read. I wonder if puzzle-solving is common to those of us who don't use patterns.

    I received my copy of your book today. Looking forward to spending time with it.

  3. Thanks for the link. I try to keep up with LEO but I forget to check for new issues, and I'm never sure I've found all the content when I do!
    Very nice interview.

  4. Great interview! I remember this piece from a show, always one of my favorites.

  5. Kathleen, I missed taking your Fine Lines workshop at QC and I'd really like to learn the technique somehow. Does your Pattern-Free Quilts book include it?

    1. No, that will probably be the next book!

      Meanwhile, I've written a lot about it in the blog over the years. In the "look it up" list, check out past posts under "quilt date" (you want April, which shows up several times) and "machine piecing."

  6. Thank you, Kathleen. I just discovered your response (I guess I'm social-media challenged) and I'm reading it avidly!
